

The interior ceiling of the room of Yitzhak Avinu (Isaac
our Forefather) and Rivkah Emenu (Rebecca our Matriarch)
The little dome structure is on top of a small tunnel
going into the actual Cave of the Patriarchs (Mara HaMakhpela) in Hevron
The cap on top of the small tunnel going into the actual
Cave of the Patriarchs (Mara HaMakhpela) in Hevron



Inside the building of the Cave of the Patriarchs, looking
into the Yakov Avinu room (Jacob our Forefather the son of Isaac).
Inside the building of the Cave of the Patriarchs, looking
into the Yakov Avinu room (Jacob our Forefather the son of Isaac).
Inside the building of the Cave of the Patriarchs, inside
the Yakov Avinu room (Jacob our Forefather the son of Isaac).



Inside the building of the Cave of the Patriarchs, looking
into a different window of the Yakov Avinu room.
Inside the building of the Cave of the Patriarchs, looking
into the Leah Emenu room (Leah the wife of Jacob).
Inside the building of the Cave of the Patriarchs, looking
into the Leah Emenu room (Leah the wife of Jacob) which is behind the
gated door.
A festive day (during Sukkot) at the Mara HaMakhpela
in Hevron
A festive day (during Sukkot) at the Mara HaMakhpela
in Hevron
A festive day (during Sukkot) at the Mara HaMakhpela
in Hevron while a concert is in progress.