Almanac of Important Jewish and Biblical Dates

Month Hebrew Name Astrological Sign
Tishrei Moznayim Libra
Cheshvan Akrav Scorpio
Kislev Keshet Sagittarius
Teves G'di Capricorn
Shevat D'li Aquarius
Adar (on leap years there is a double month of Adar) Dagim Pisces
Nissan Taleh Aries
Iyar Shor Taurus
Sivan Teomim Gemini
Tammuz Sartan Cancer
Av Aryeh Leo
Elul Betulah Virgo


(Hebrew name: Shor, Astrological sign: Taurus)


16th day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Natan Shapira


17th day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke HaLevi Horovitz of Nikolsburg

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Avraham Dov Ber of Chmelnik


18th day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Choni HaMeagel


19th day of the Omer

Yom HaZikaron (Israel Fallen Heroes Rememberance Day - military and non-military)


20th day of the Omer

Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day)

6 21st day of the Omer

22nd day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim of Luntchitz, author of Kli Yakar

8 23rd day of the Omer
9 24th day of the Omer

25th day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Eli HaKohen HaGadol

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yitzchak Alfasi


26th day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Horowitz of Rupshitz

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi of Stretin

12 27th day of the Omer
13 28th day of the Omer

29th day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi of Stretin, great grandson of Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi of Stretin (see 11 Iyar)

15 30th day of the Omer
16 31st day of the Omer

32nd day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Ephraim of Sedilkov


33rd day of the Omer

Lag B'Omer (The 33rd day of the Omer, the Omer period mourning is interupted for one day because the plague of Rabbi Akiva's students stopped and this is the yahrzeit of Tana Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai - tens of thousands gather at his site in Meron, Israel to rejoice with prayer, music, bonfires and barbeque feasts. Weddings and other joyous occasions are permitted on this joyous day)

Yahrzeit of Rov Moshe Iserless, Rema, Z"L, who is buried in Cracow. Important writings some of which are in regard to Ashkenazic customs in the Mappah on the Schulchon Oruch.


34th day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimonov


35th day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobel

21 36th day of the Omer
22 37th day of the Omer
23 38th day of the Omer
24 39th day of the Omer
25 40th day of the Omer

41st day of the Omer

Yahrzei of Rabbi Saadya Gaon

Yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato, Ramchal

27 42nd day of the Omer

43rd day of the Omer

Yahrzeit of Shmule HaNavi. Samuel the Prophet had an integration of the souls of both Moshe Rabeinu (Moses) and his brother Aaron HaCohen (the High Priest). Shmule HaNavi (Samuel) anointed King Saul (the first king of Israel) and then King David (the eternal king of Israel).

Yom Yerushalayim (commemorates the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 by the Israel Defense Forces during the Six Day War when Israel was attacked by its Arab neighbors)


44th day of the Omer